AAUW San Francisco branch members enjoy a variety of social, stimulating activities which help us make new friends and enjoy the company of other like minded members. To join any of these groups, email us at: aauwsfbranch@gmail.com
Book Groups
In any given month, there are three active book groups to choose from. You can even join them all if you like! Meet at a member’s home or on Zoom for a lively discussion.
- Friday Afternoons with Books: This group meets monthly on the third Friday, at 1:30pm. There is no designated leader. The group chooses books for the year so we have time to find the item. All members read the same title and prepare for a discussion of the author and book. Our choices are generally non-fiction or recent novels. For more information, contact Michelle Mammini.
- International Book Group: Save the third Monday at 7pm for a fascinating discussion of a book written by an international author or with a foreign location. Books can relate to historical events or be about today’s news. There is no designated leader and the members come prepared to discuss the book. Some of the members have traveled internationally and this adds to the discussion. For more information, contact Barbara Spencer.
- Mystery Adventure Book Group: If you are a fan of mysteries, this book group is for you! It has met for many years and presents selected book/authors with a leader making a more formal presentation. The group meets once a month on the fourth Thursday at 7:30. For more information, contact Elaine Butler.
Lunch Bunch
We have monthly lunch outings whenever COVID allows us to try out the many wonderful restaurants in San Francisco! Contact Mary Suter to join.
Voter Education
The Public Policy chair (Sheila Bost) helps the branch stay up-to-date with current issues at the local and state government levels by hosting meetings to discuss ballot propositions prior to each election.

Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash
Women’s Professional Networking Group
In Fall 2023, we have started a Women’s Professional Networking Group to provide a forum for our members to discuss a wide variety topics related to navigating their work environments and sharing experiences. Aimed primarily at our younger members, we will cover topics such as negotiating salaries, raises and promotions, building one’s brand, getting a seat at the table, how to create a wider network, financial skills, mindfulness techniques, and so on, depending on the interests of the members. The group meets a few times a year, primarily on Zoom. To Join, contact Roli Wendorf.